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School of Contemporary Arts (CA)

Latest Past Events

ARTS 315: Class Trip to the Penumbra Foundation

Penumbra Foundation 36 E 30th St, New York

Professor Yolanda del Amo's ARTS 315: Professional Format Photography class will visit the Penumbra Foundation on a field trip where they will be exposed to the early photographic process of the (wet plate) tintype. A tour and demo of alternative processes directly relates to the content of the course and will enhance the learning of […]

Cooper Hewitt Museum Trip

Costume Design students visit Cooper Hewitt exhibit "Scraps Fashion, Textiles, and Creative Reuse" (This is a closed event for THEA 235 students only)

Les Paul Festival Concert

Ramapo College Berrie Center 505 Ramapo Valley Road: Berrie Center, Mahwah

Guitarists Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniola to headline the Les Paul Festival Concert at Ramapo College, Feb 25, 2017. The 2017 Les Paul Festival Concert will feature: Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniola with special guest Gary Mazzaroppi and Ramapo singers Jackie Narciso and Benjamin Sims Saturday, February 25, 2017, 8 p.m. Berrie Center, Ramapo College […]