"Deep End", an original 5-episode Web Series produced by Ramapo College film students, was selected to screen at the first ever New Jersey Web Festival. The series is nominated for Outstanding Drama Series, Best Editing, and Outstanding Drama Series. The screening will be held at the Clairidge Theater in Montclair, NJ on Sept 15 at 7:05pm. For […]
This event is open to students enrolled in ARTS 308 ONLY. The "Intercollegiate Festival of Fire" at Salem Art Works is a weekend-long symposium that brings together students from across the nation to share techniques, ideas, and resources in iron casting, ceramics, glass blowing, as well as blacksmithing. With multiple large-scale iron pours, performances, gallery […]
The residency will host the Aizuri Quartet, an award-winning and critically-acclaimed string quartet from New York. This year, the Quartet won the prestigious M-Prize Award, a $100,000 award from the University of Michigan. Monday 9/24 2:00-3:30: Workshop "Writing for Strings" with students of the course Musicianship III: Composition alongside other music students; (BC 308) Open […]