Directed by Mary Ellen Allison Set in 1056 Scotland, Macbeth will be a traditional version of Shakespeare's masterpiece with a 21st century flair: complete with Witches' Magic, Murder most foul, […]
Directed by Mary Ellen Allison Set in 1056 Scotland, Macbeth will be a traditional version of Shakespeare's masterpiece with a 21st century flair: complete with Witches' Magic, Murder most foul, […]
On Wednesday, April 20 at 5:30 PM Professor Ben Neill will present a demonstration/concert of ambient music and video in his Horizonal installation in the Pascal Gallery. Neill will perform on the mutantrumpet, […]
2016 Schomburg Fellow Sam Kirk and her student collaborators will be informally meeting and greeting the public on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 6-7, at the site of the Celebrating […]
The Ramapo College Chorale (Directed by Dr. Lisa Lutter) and Ridgewood High School Choirs (Directed by Steven Bourque) present: "Tyler's Suite" West Side Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood on Sunday, April […]
The Jazz Band and the Brazilian Percussion Ensemble are playing a joint concert in H-129, the H-Wing Auditorium, starting at 7 pm. Come one, come all!
16th Annual Showcase of Outstanding Student Work: Wednesday, May 4th Global Communication and Media Symposium- H216 & H-204 11:30 - 12:15 - Pizza and Poster Session (H-216) 12:15 - 1:00 - Symposium 1 – Global Communication & Media (H-204) 1:05 - 1:35 - Student Roundtable on ECA and the value of Undergraduate Scholarship (H-204) 1:40 - 2:25 […]
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