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School of Contemporary Arts (CA)

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & […]

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & […]

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & […]

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & Louise; 17th century opera with modern pop music; a Greek chorus with a live video feed. The play delves into the age-old question: what does […]

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & Louise; 17th century opera with modern pop music; a Greek chorus with a live video feed. The play delves into the age-old question: what does […]

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & Louise; 17th century opera with modern pop music; a Greek chorus with a live video feed. The play delves into the age-old question: what does […]

medea & medea/for medea

By Sylvia Bofill and Peter A. Campbell  medea & medea/for medea is a hybrid piece of theater about desperate women on the run. A mash-up of Euripedes' tragedy Medea with the film Thelma & Louise; 17th century opera with modern pop music; a Greek chorus with a live video feed. The play delves into the age-old question: what does […]