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In its report, “Board Responsibility for Institutional Governance,” the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges concluded:
College and University governing board membership is one of the most serious and consequential exercises of voluntary leadership in our society. It calls for balancing and sometimes buffering the often-conflicting claims of multiple internal and external constituents. It requires good judgment in avoiding micromanagement while being sufficiently informed to assess professional performance and institutional effectiveness. It calls for listening and questioning more than pronouncing and demanding.
Most of all, it requires a commitment to the institution as a whole rather than to any of its parts. Governing board membership is both challenging and enormously rewarding in the service of the current and future generations of students and, ultimately, the nation’s well-being.”
In addition to the Board’s new member orientation and its ongoing development workshops, there are several valuable institutional, state, and national resources available to the Board of Trustees to assist members in the thoughtful and sometimes challenging discharge of their responsibilities.
The Ramapo College Board of Trustees Manual (Table of Contents only)
Defining Board/Management Relations (DOC)
The Ramapo College Fact Book maintains institutional data on enrollment, learning outcomes, facilities, personnel, and financials.
The George T. Potter Library maintains expansive collections, institutional archives, research databases, and peer-reviewed journals. These informative resources as well as inter-library loan services are available to Trustees.
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education’s Evaluation Team Final Report and the Institutional Response to the report are integral to the College’s accreditation. An Evaluation Team representing the Middle States Commission on Higher Education prepared an after study of Ramapo’s Self-Study Report and conducted a visit to the campus. The Middle States Commission is a voluntary, non-governmental, membership association that defines, maintains, and promotes educational excellence across institutions with diverse missions, student populations, and resources. It examines each institution as a whole, rather than specific programs within institutions.
The Ramapo College Budget Book provides a brief overview of the College’s operating plans and projected sources and uses of funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
The Ramapo College Capital Projects Report is routinely updated to reflect progress on both major and minor capital projects across campus.
The Ramapo College Organizational Chart is routinely updated by the People Operations and Employee Resources Department and in most cases presents three tiers of leadership. In-depth multi-tiered organizational charts of individual units are available upon request.
The Ramapo College Strategic Plan is a multi year plan designed to help the College focus its energy, to ensure that all College stakeholders are working toward the same goals, and to assess and adjust the College’s direction in response to a changing environment.
The New Jersey Association of State Colleges and Universities acts as an advocate in the state capital, the Association analyzes and monitors public policy issues and legislation affecting its nine member institutions. The Association is governed by an eighteen-member board, consisting of a trustee and the president of each institution; the board meets four times annually. In cooperation with trustees, students, faculty and campus administrators, NJASCU plays an active role in developing and proposing state higher education policy to better serve New Jersey’s citizens.
The New Jersey Presidents’ Council represents New Jersey’s public, private, and community colleges and universities. The advisory board is made up of the presidents of the state’s public and independent institutions of higher education that receive state aid. The presidents of the proprietary schools and the presidents of the two largest religious institutions also serve to represent the interest of all such schools. The Council’s charge is to make recommendation on new programs, regional alliances, budget and student aid levels, licensure, and the statewide higher education master plan.
The State of New Jersey Department of the Treasury: Office of Management and Budget manages the State’s financial assets and helps ensure that taxpayer resources are allocated efficiently and in accordance with state laws, regulations, policies and guidelines. OMB annually prepares and distributes the Governor’s budget message, budget summary, and capital improvement plan.
The State of New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education serves as the principal advocate for an integrated system of higher education which provides a broad scope of higher education programs and services. The system includes both 31 public and 35 independent institutions and enrolls over 440,000 full- and part-time credit-seeking students statewide.
The Association of American Colleges and Universities is the leading national association concerned with the quality, vitality, and public standing of undergraduate liberal education. Its members are committed to extending the advantages of a liberal education to all students, regardless of academic specialization or intended career.
The Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges is the only national association that serves the interests and needs of academic governing boards, boards of institutionally related foundations, and campus CEOs and other senior-level campus administrators on issues related to higher education governance and leadership. Its mission is to strengthen, protect, and advocate on behalf of citizen trusteeship that supports and advances higher education.
The Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC) recognizes the importance of liberal arts and sciences education for success in a complex global society and champions the cause of liberal arts education of superior quality in the public sector. COPLAC institutions provide students of high ability and from all backgrounds access to an outstanding liberal arts education.
The Office of Postsecondary Education formulates federal postsecondary education policy and administers programs that address critical national needs in support of our mission to increase access to quality postsecondary education.
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