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Combat Hippies “Amal”

Sharp Theater 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ, United States Photo credit: Romain Maurice In celebration of Puerto Rican Heritage Month and Veterans and Military Families Month, the Berrie Center is pleased to present the provocative theater piece “Amal.” […]

Casey Abrams Trio

Sharp Theater 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ, United States The Berrie Center for the Arts at Ramapo College of NJ welcomes The Casey Abrams Trio on Saturday, December 4 at 8:00 p.m.  Casey Abrams burst onto the national scene […]

Les Paul Festival Concert: Featuring Robert Lowe & Susie Ibarra

Sharp Theater 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ, United States

This year, the Les Paul Festival will explore contemporary artists who represent Pauls’ innovative and progressive spirit. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe is an artist, curator and composer that works primarily […]

Healing Hands- Act I

Sharp Theater 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ, United States

Healing Hands is an evening of new works-in-progress based on how the arts are contributing to healing during these challenging times.  Act I will feature two performances including the Ballaro Dance work “Embedded Memories,” acknowledging personal histories through the lens of scars and their images which live permanently on our bodies. The second half of […]

Healing Hands- Act II

Sharp Theater 505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ, United States

  Healing Hands is an afternoon of new works-in-progress based on how the arts are contributing to healing during these challenging times.  Act II will feature two performances including piano/violin duo 48 St. Stephen featuring works by composers Bongani Ndodana-Breen, Yoon-Ji Lee, and Oliver Messian who take us on a musical journey from chaos to […]