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The Pros & Cons of a General MBA

The business landscape has changed dramatically over the past decade. Three years ago, few executives understood or could explain the benefits of hybrid cloud computing; five years ago, Uber was a fledgling idea and driverless cars were the stuff of science fiction; ten years ago, BlackBerry & Nokia dominated the world of mobile devices and “app store” was a spelling error. How can you rise to a leadership position within your organization if you’re still catching up with the latest industry trends?

Getting an MBA can open up new career options by helping you stay ahead of new technology and market trends that impact business. But, should you pursue a degree with the breadth of a general MBA, or the depth of a specialized MBA? Below you’ll find the pros and cons of both options.

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Categories: MBA

Best MBA Program Model: Online, In-Class, Accelerated or Hybrid

In today’s competitive job market, having a bachelor’s degree may not be enough for a successful career in business. Instead of relying solely on on-the-job training to propel you up the career ladder, many post-grads are finding that going to graduate school is no longer optional. In order to keep up with a highly dynamic marketplace, business professionals are now looking for alternative ways to earn a graduate degrees, without giving up their day job.

Many colleges and universities recognize the need to tailor programs to meet the needs and schedules of busy professionals, and now offer a range of options including online, in-class, accelerated and hybrid MBA programs.

Not sure which one is the right fit for your work-life balance? Understanding the key differences between program types can help you identify the option that is best for you.

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Categories: MBA

General MBA vs Specialized MBA

The Graduate Management Admission Council (the organization that administers the GMAT exam) released a 2015 Year-End Poll of Employers showing that there will be an increasing demand for Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) graduates in the coming years. Dan LeClair, executive vice president and chief knowledge officer at AACSB International says “It’s becoming harder to get a great job with just a bachelor’s degree.”

If you’ve been considering pursuing an MBA degree, now may be the right time.

But with an increasing number of options to choose from, finding the right MBA program that meets your goals and learning style, may take some extra work. Across the country, professionals interested in pursuing an MBA often start with a fundamental question: Whether to choose a program offering a broad-based curriculum or one that permits specialization or concentrations.

Employers hold both options in high regard so your selection should be based on your career plans and the type of learning experience that fits your needs. It’s important to know more about each before you can determine which one is right for you.

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Categories: MBA

A Cohort MBA Program: What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

If you’ve been doing your research on MBA programs, then you have most likely come across some of these terms:

“Cohort model.” “Cohort-based learning.” “Cohort structure.”

While it doesn’t take much to grasp the general concept of a cohort program, it’s worth taking a moment to understand how they can impact your experience as a graduate student. Graduate cohort models can vary in terms of the number of students and the amount of diversity, but the overall structure is generally the same no matter where they are utilized. If you are seriously considering returning to school to earn your MBA, it’s important to consider all of your options and fully understand the structure of the programs that are under consideration.

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Categories: MBA

When Leadership Fails

The recent revelation of VW’s emissions test scandal, GM’s criminal wrongdoing in the ignition-switch defect and the conviction of a former peanut executive for the cover-up of a salmonella outbreak, are just the latest reminders of the need to teach corporate ethics and social responsibility in MBA programs. The financial consequences of these corporate failures are measured in billions of dollars but the more consequential impact is measured by the death toll that resulted from these corporate cover-ups and inaction and the loss of faith in free market capitalism.

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Categories: MBA

Developing Business Solutions

Capstone Consulting Project provides valuable experience for MBA graduates.

When Ramapo College redesigned its Master of Business Administration degree in September 2012, the faculty committee that developed the new MBA curriculum envisioned the Capstone Consulting experience as the culmination of an intensive 20-month course of study. Working in groups of four and five, the students would take on advisory roles with local companies, trying to resolve real-life problems identified by executives. That’s how Jessica Finaldi, who earned an undergraduate business degree from Ramapo in 2011, wound up leading a team of MBA candidates charged with creating a project strategy and marketing plan for a new implant system that helps repair femoral neck fractures of the hip.

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Categories: MBA

In Grad School Admissions, GMAT and GRE are Taking a "Back Seat."

Do standardized tests provide enough insight into an applicant’s academic abilities and their expected success in an MBA program? Some higher education institutions have begun waiving test scores in favor of looking at an applicant’s job experience and academic accomplishments, which studies have shown are better predictors of academic success than standardized test scores alone.

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Categories: MBA

Ramapo College MBA Program: Creating Business Leaders with Global Perspective

Technological advances and global competition have changed almost every facet of our economy requiring workers to commit to a path of continuous learning and the development of new skills,” says Tim Landers, Assistant Dean and Director, MBA Program, Ramapo College of New Jersey.

With this changing economy in mind, Ramapo College developed an accelerated, twenty-month MBA program specifically designed with a broad-based curriculum and an emphasis on leadership, versatility, and gaining a global perspective. Emphasizing the importance of global management, second-year students sharpen their international skills during a nine-day trip to China.

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Categories: MBA

Ramapo's Accelerated MBA Program is Designed for Today's Job Market

Last summer, the Labor Department reported that Baby Boomers held 11.5 jobs on average over their professional careers — half of them occurring after age 25. While that number is startling, the average could be even higher for the current generation of workers.

The fast-paced hyper-connected world has accelerated corporate life cycles and raised the stakes for knowledge workers. In a competitive global economy, learning to be an innovative leader can give dedicated professionals an advantage–enabling success in this ever-changing job market.

At Ramapo College, the accelerated 20-month MBA curriculum emphasizes the skills required for success in today’s hyper-competitive world; where hierarchical structures are replaced by flat organizations; where 24/7 operations are replacing periodic reporting systems; a world where the instant delivery of knowledge expands the horizons of senior managers and allows younger professionals to gain responsibility much earlier in their careers.

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Categories: MBA



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