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A General MBA Leads to Better Job Offers

We live in an era of specialists due in large part to advances in science, technology and healthcare. Today, there are more than 145 specialties and subspecialties for physicians to choose from, up sharply in the last 25 years. Advances in technology have also fueled the growth of business specializations, particularly in finance. Yet when it comes to middle and senior managers, the opposite appears to be true. Generalists are winning the talent wars.

That’s the conclusion from evidence presented by researchers at Tulane and Columbia Business School, who reported their findings in the Harvard Business Review.

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Categories: MBA

The Perks of Taking Summer Classes

The summer season is typically a time for college students to pursue internships, work a seasonal job, or otherwise enjoy themselves, perhaps traveling on vacation with friends and/or family members. However, it is also a time for students to potentially discover new avenues for learning, through opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Students can take summer courses in many areas in order to gain an upper hand once the fall semester begins, or even to graduate in less time than it would usually take or even explore an alternate subject of interest.

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Categories: Uncategorized

Capitalism's Great Promise

In a recent WSJ editorial, the Dean of Harvard Business School provided a defense of Wall Street that has been absent from the political debate thus far, “Imagining an Economy without Wall Street.” The juxtaposition of Wall Street and Main Street has been political fodder throughout modern history but, for some reason, capitalists rarely come to its defense, at least publicly. When someone does, it’s worth paying attention to. This is especially important today because a generation of young workers knows little of capitalism’s great promise.

As a business leader, it is important to understand why capitalism has made the US the envy of the world. But it’s also important to reach your own conclusion about whether it has outlived its usefulness and, if so, what is going to replace it.

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Categories: MBA

Am I Too Old for an MBA?

Many of Ramapo College’s older applicants ask themselves some variation of the question in the title of this blog. The simplest answer is that a 50-year-old with a recent MBA has a distinct advantage over a 50-year-old without one, all else being equal. While it may not be right for everyone, increasingly an MBA is proving to be a versatile degree in response to the sweeping changes underway in business and society. In this blog we take a closer look at those changes and identify cases where an MBA makes sense later in your career.

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Categories: MBA

10 MBA Interview Questions & How to Answer Them

Every year thousands of MBA hopefuls spend countless hours preparing their application documents, but for some reason they spend precious little time on preparing for the most important part of the application process – the interview.

Not every program requires one, so if you are called upon for an interview, first congratulate yourself and then prepare like you would for any job interview. Not unlike many successful endeavors, preparation is the difference between a positive and negative outcome.

Here are 10 MBA interview questions that you will most likely be asked.

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Categories: MBA

Teachers with Special Education Skill Sets Are Needed to Help Meet Students’ Needs

Over 230,000 students in New Jersey were classified with learning disabilities that require special education as of this past academic year. 1 in 41 children in New Jersey are diagnosed with Autism, which is higher than the National average of 1 in 68. Children with all types of special needs require specialized instruction and individualized approaches throughout their education, that can only be provided by a trained Special Educator. It is clear from these statistics that there is an increased need for Special Educators in NJ. Recognizing this need for teachers with specific skill sets who can work with children on their individual strengths and weaknesses, Ramapo College of New Jersey has developed a specialized graduate degree program in Special Education (MASE).

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Categories: MASE

16 Reasons to Get an MBA This Year

There are many reasons to get an MBA but the real question is whether you should do it now or wait. Getting your MBA is a serious commitment and you are wise to hold-off until you have evaluated all of the issues. Don’t delay too long, as there are costs associated with waiting until the “perfect” time presents itself.

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Categories: MBA

MBA Tips & Tricks: Achieving Work-Life Balance

Pressure can be a great motivator or a force of destruction. While some people excel under pressure, everyone faces burnout at some point unless there is some periodic relief. Successful people seem to find the right balance between their professional and personal lives. Even captains of industry find time to pursue hobbies. Where do they find the time? They find it in a relentless pursuit to balance work and personal priorities.

Peak performers work fewer hours and are more productive because they take care of their mental and physical well-being. The same approach applies to professionals who are working and raising a family while earning their degree. That’s why we’ve put together 11 tips and tricks from our best students who handled the pressure and came out on top.

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Categories: MBA

How Long Does It Take to Get an MBA?

The short answer is between one and three years on average, but that doesn’t give you the full picture. The answer depends in part on whether you chose a full or part-time program, as well as your undergraduate major. Traditional full-time MBA programs require a two year commitment under normal circumstances, but there are a host of new programs that have introduced flexible schedules to accommodate students’ demanding lives. As a general rule, most graduate programs require that they be completed within five years of starting.

Here is a quick review of some of the major types of MBA programs on the market with an emphasis on how long each one takes to complete.

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Categories: MBA

5 Signs It's time for Your MBA

An MBA opens up a variety of career opportunities, but how do you know when it is time to start looking for a suitable MBA program? You may be concerned about taking yourself out of the workforce or, if you plan to attend a part-time program, adding another commitment to your already busy schedule.

After years of speaking with prospective MBA students, we have identified five key triggers that ultimately helped professionals make the final decision to pursue their MBA. If any of the following sound familiar, then it may be time to advance your skillset and make your dreams a reality.

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Categories: MBA



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