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The Retooling Of An American Craftsman

The recent announcement that Sears was selling its Craftsman tools brand to Stanley Black & Decker for $900 million was just the latest reminder of the slow demise of this once iconic American company whose history dates back to the late 1880s. With its reputation for quality, durability and lifetime guarantee, no other retailer in the last century has had a bigger hand in building America. Yet, for all its success Sears was unable to build a beachfront capable of withstanding the ebb and flow of free market capitalism.

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Categories: MBA

A Sense of Where You Are

Having a sense of where you are in life gives you a better chance of controlling where you are going. Nowhere is this statement truer than in corporate America where the concept of a corporate or industry lifecycle, often presented graphically as an “S” curve, has bedeviled executives throughout our corporate history. The idea behind it is a simple one: from cradle to grave, companies, products, and entire industries follow a well-worn path that includes five distinct phases from development to launch, followed by rapid growth, maturity and then decline.

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Categories: MBA

The Importance of Outstanding Hospitality Management

There are a plethora of challenges that hospitality managers face in today’s continually evolving lodging industry. Notably, all hotel general managers will have to face emotional conflicts, make decisions considered unpopular by some, and analyze the tradeoffs that must be made in day-to-day operations¹. Also, hospitality managers must be able to respond to different trends in the marketplace.

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Categories: CIPL

Professional Certificates: Fast Track to Higher Income

One way to enhance learning on-the-job is to become certified in a specialized field, such as middle school teaching, hospitality and restaurant management, or web page development. A report by the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that 46.3 million adults ages 18 and older held a professional certification in 2012, while 19.1 million held an educational certificate of some sort. The benefits of certification also extend to online programs; according to a recent global survey of 400,000 people, “76 percent reported a salary increase or promotion” after completing certification programs in their respective fields.

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Categories: CIPL

The Value of a Professional Certificate

When working professionals want to advance their careers, or even make a career change, one of the most advantageous paths is to obtain a professional certificate or certification in their target industry or trade. At colleges and universities nationwide, professionals seeking to enhance their education for more and better career opportunities can pursue certificates in fields as diverse as networking, security, maintenance, and computer programming, hospitality and restaurant management, and paralegal studies among others¹. This demonstrates that certification is becoming an increasingly popular option for those who wish to advance their education and skills and make greater inroads toward a more lucrative career.

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Categories: CIPL

MBAs for Entrepreneurial Success

Entrepreneurs come from all walks of life and establish businesses in a variety of areas, from restaurants to social media, from healthcare to financial services. However, regardless of the business, their founders are all driven by a common trait – the passion and commitment to build a successful business. Although a significant number of entrepreneurs do not have an MBA, it’s becoming a highly important factor for success in the twenty-first century.¹

Passion goes a long way in many endeavors but passion alone doesn’t guarantee success. The expert knowledge that MBA students attain over the course of their programs provides them with a foundation on which to build a prosperous firm.

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Categories: MBA

The Growing Importance of Project Management Skills

Although an MBA is regarded as a critical credential for business professionals, the vast majority of MBA programs have yet to recognize the growing importance of project management skills.

In recent years, employers have sought out MBA graduates who have some knowledge and experience in project management either through formal in-class or on the job training.

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Categories: Uncategorized

Teaching the Impossible: Creativity in Business

When people say, “That’s impossible,” what they usually mean is, “That hasn’t been done yet.” The vast majority of people in the world adopt assumptions that they never question.

Yet everything that’s possible today was once impossible, and nothing ever became possible without a commitment to try something new.

How do you teach the tenacity of one’s belief? How do you teach someone to ferret out their own assumptions and interrogate them with others? How do you awaken someone to discard limitations that they’ve placed on themselves? It is reminiscent of that old saying, “You can’t awaken someone who’s only pretending to sleep.”

Teaching creativity is a hot topic in academia right now, but even that was once considered to be an impossible task. People said, “You’re either born with it, or you’re not.” Eventually, somebody questioned that assumption and now creativity is being taught as a discipline across the educational landscape, from business schools to medical schools.

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Categories: MBA

AACSB-Accredited MBA Programs: What It Means & Why It Matters

Most colleges and universities are accredited, first and foremost, by their regional accrediting bodies, such as Middles States. Above and beyond that, some schools have earned specialized accreditations for certain programs. When researching schools and programs of study, it is important to consider what those accreditations are and the importance and reputation they carry. One of the most respected accreditations for MBA programs and business schools globally is the AACSB accreditation because less than 5% of the world’s 13,000 business programs have earned this distinction.

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Categories: MBA

The Top 5 Misconceptions About MBA Cohort Programs

Although cohort based programs are well established across many academic disciplines, there are lingering misunderstandings or misconceptions about how the cohort model operates and what benefits it offers students. Here are five common myths followed by how things work in the real world.

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Categories: MBA



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