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4 Plus 1: The Benefits of Earning Your MBA After Finishing Your Bachelor's

Deciding to pursue an MBA degree is far from an easy task. After all, there are many considerations that every prospective MBA student must take into account, from curriculum and professors to tuition costs and even hands-on learning experiences, among others. Also, if you are an undergraduate business major or recent graduate with less than one year of work experience, chances are you may ask yourself, “Is going back to school for a fifth year and earning my MBA really worth it?” Here are a few excellent reasons why current business majors and recent business graduates should return for their MBA after completing their bachelor’s degrees.

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Categories: MBA

Using Your MBA as a Blueprint for Innovation

The business world possesses a rich heritage of innovation and entrepreneurship, from pioneering inventors like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford to Steve Jobs and other modern innovators. It should come as no surprise, then, that innovation helps facilitate entrepreneurship and subsequently empowers individuals to take charge of their economic prosperity¹. While MBA degrees have traditionally focused on business fundamentals such as finance, management and marketing, several MBA programs have incorporated elements of design thinking into their curricula². This design-focused approach enables working professionals to devise a range of innovative solutions to real-world business challenges².

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Categories: MBA

The (Liberal) Art of Pursuing an MBA

While it may sound peculiar at first thought, MBA programs are not solely the province of students possessing undergraduate degrees in fields such as accounting, finance, management and marketing. In fact, MBA degree programs also have a certain appeal for working professionals with a liberal arts background. Although liberal arts and science majors do not typically imagine themselves working in business roles, and often ask themselves questions like, “How can I ever succeed in an MBA program if I don’t have any business background?,” earning an MBA can help them open the door to more successful and fulfilling careers.

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Categories: MBA

Taking Your Business Career to the Next Level with an MBA

If you are a working professional with an undergraduate business degree and two to five years’ worth of experience, chances are you have established yourself but still want to enhance your skill set by pursuing an MBA degree. Even if you have been considering an MBA degree since your junior year of college, you may still ask yourself questions like, “Is earning my MBA really worth the investment?” and “How can I earn an MBA and advance my career without giving up my day job?”

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Categories: MBA

Setting A Shining Example With Your MBA

Deciding to pursue an MBA after 20-plus years of experience can be quite daunting. Although you may doubt your ability to keep up with a new generation of graduate students and often ask yourself questions like, “How can I manage the extra workload of earning my MBA without having to give up my day job and family commitments?,” you feel that completing this advanced degree will not only help you fulfill a personal goal, but also set a shining example for your children as they begin their own college endeavors.

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Categories: MBA

MBAs Are an Essential Tool for Seasoned Professionals

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the ten-year mark is more often than not a career crossroads for business professionals. If you have anywhere between 10 and 20 years of experience in your chosen discipline, chances are you feel pigeonholed into a particular role, such as portfolio manager or IT analyst. Perhaps you have even been passed over for promotion in favor of a coworker with skills and experience practically identical to your own.

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Categories: MBA

Staying in the Game With Your MBA

Deciding to pursue an MBA can be nothing short of intimidating. If you are a professional with 20-plus years’ worth of business experience, chances are that even you have spent ten months or even a year researching potential programs, you may doubt yourself, asking questions like, “How will I be able to keep up with a younger generation of graduate students?” and “How can I earn my MBA without having to give up my day job?,” among others.

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Categories: MBA

Revitalizing Your Career with an MBA

If you are a seasoned professional with between five and 10 years of experience, chances are that you might have come to a career crossroads at some point. Even if you have accumulated a variety of licenses and certifications in your chosen discipline, you may feel pigeonholed into a specific role or area of expertise. For instance, you might be referred to as a marketing copywriter or accounts payable specialist, rather than an exceptional strategic thinker or skilled people manager.

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Categories: MBA

UCSC-Affiliated Psychiatrist Speaks about Mindfulness and ADHD

Lidia Zylowska, M.D.,author of The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD, offers insight and advice on how mindfulness can be an important tool to help those with ADHD, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Zylowska is a UCSC-affiliated psychiatrist who believes in using mindfulness-based solutions to treat mental health and, specifically, ADHD.

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Categories: Mindfulness

Mindfulness: A Bridge to Experiencing Flow

Practicing mindfulness has proven health benefits but what if it could be the doorway into a whole new way of being, one that invites profound and lasting change?

What if, in a world that constantly pushes us toward the horizon, we were able to fully focus and immerse ourselves in the moment, here and now? What if this ability, and the subsequent experience, was accessible to everyone? And what if this changes how we experience our world? If this interests you, allow me to introduce you to Flow – a state of consciousness where time melts away and life unfolds with ease, a state where you are fully immersed in moments of effortless doing.

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Categories: Mindfulness



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