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Founders and Pioneers

George T. Potter, Founding President and Professor Emeritus

  • Paul Adams
  • Flavia Alaya
  • Eleanor Antolino
  • Stephan Arianas
  • James Barrow
  • Robert Barth
  • Harold Benenson
  • Catherine Berry
  • Henry Bischoff
  • Pamela Morehead Bischoff
  • Richard Bond
  • John Breen
  • G. Thomas Bulthuis
  • Helen Burchell
  • Carole Campana
  • Charles Carreras
  • John Robert Cassidy
  • Roberta Cioppa
  • Laura Clarke
  • Edward Cody
  • Jean Craven
  • Worden Day
  • Hendrik DeVries
  • Beverly Ann Dunn
  • Susan Ehrman
  • Sara Eisenstein
  • Paul Elovitz
  • Michael Fluhr
  • Bea Ford
  • Donald Fucci
  • Kenneth Gladstone
  • Susanna Mary Goemaat
  • William Goodsir
  • Thomas Goss
  • Elaine Graeme
  • Shirley Hall
  • Gerard Halleron
  • Violet Halter
  • Barbara Hartman
  • Robert Hartman
  • Shirley Hartman
  • Edward Henderson
  • Michael Holden
  • Milton Horowitz
  • Carol Hovanec
  • Thomas Hurwitz
  • William Jacobs
  • Nancy Kunz Jaeger
  • Joseph Johnson
  • Roger N. Johnson
  • Roger O. Johnson
  • Mitchell Kahn
  • Joel Kameron
  • D. Warren Kaufman
  • Herman Kaufman
  • Jay Kaufman
  • Winston Kirby
  • Rosabel Koss
  • John Kreps
  • Aimlee Laderman
  • Richard Larkin
  • Robert Lebedwic
  • Joseph LeMay
  • Ella Lidsky
  • Betty Liss
  • Elsie Maas
  • Nancy Mackin
  • Fred Madison
  • Wayne Marshall
  • Edwin Marston
  • D. Bennet Mazur
  • Concetta Mazzarino
  • James McCarthy
  • Marie Mencki
  • Theodore Michelfeld
  • Syril Miller
  • Thomas Mullane
  • Vincent Nardiello
  • Bonnie Olson
  • Anthony Padovano
  • Virginia Page
  • Dominick Palazzotto
  • Judith Peck
  • Raymond Pennotti
  • Joseph Perrucci
  • Michael Policastro
  • Howard Radest
  • Nicholas Rinaldi
  • Richard Roberts
  • Maryann Robertson
  • Timothy Robinson
  • Barbara Rogers
  • Helen Rogers
  • Estelle Rogol
  • Rodney Jack Roth
  • Servando Sacaluga
  • Marilyn Sacchi
  • Jean Samanek
  • John Schroeder
  • Evelyn Schultz
  • Paula Schwartz
  • Edward Scully
  • Robert Segal
  • Henry Seligson
  • Robert Shine
  • Charles Shorter
  • Arlene Silvers
  • Ernest Simon
  • Anthony Tarallo
  • Salvatore Taranto
  • Henry Thaler
  • Roderick Thorp
  • Maria Toledo
  • Rudolph Von Burg
  • William Ward
  • George Warguska
  • George Watson
  • Jay Wholley
  • Fred Wilkes
  • Arthur Williams
  • Judy Zola
  • Pavle Batinic
  • Gordon Bear
  • Robert Bender
  • Annette Benedict
  • Rosemary Benz
  • Marion Berger
  • Charlotte Bernstein
  • Eugene Beyers
  • Grace Borowitz
  • Ronald Brady
  • Cynthia Brennan
  • Walter Brown
  • Arthur Chill
  • Robert Christopher
  • Catherine Collins
  • Sherrill Cox
  • Joseph Dallon
  • Bonnie DeGroat
  • Ann DiBella
  • Robert Dilly
  • Isabella Drew
  • Carol Duncan
  • Robert DuPree
  • Michael Edelstein
  • Kathleen Finnegan
  • Albert Frech
  • David Freund
  • Henry Frundt
  • Helen Gazda
  • Ronald Giezendanner
  • Milton Gittens
  • Anne Glickman
  • Fred Goddard
  • Richard Graham
  • David Greene
  • Teodoro Halpern
  • Barbara Harrison
  • Marshall Harth
  • Ronald Hayashida
  • Wayne Hayes
  • Thomas Heed
  • James Hollenbach
  • Fred Hopkins
  • Paul Humphreys
  • Angelica Jackson
  • Arnold Jones
  • John Kalbacher
  • Stephen Kelley
  • William Kollock
  • Peter Kooy
  • Patricia Kozakiewicz
  • Anthony LaManna
  • Bernard Langer
  • Newton Levine
  • Harold Lieberman
  • Richard Lowell
  • William Makofske
  • Lucy Mateo
  • Jennefer Mazza
  • Philip McLewin
  • Victor Miller
  • William Murnion
  • Denis Murphy
  • Anita Oneglia
  • Brenda Perkins
  • Patricia Perry
  • Clifford Peterson
  • A.K.B. Pillai
  • Samuel Pinn
  • William Pollock
  • Sebastian Raciti
  • Russell Reinhardt
  • Nancy Roccoberton
  • Ellen Ross
  • Gabriel Rubinstein
  • Edward Saiff
  • Vito Savino
  • Peter Schneckner
  • Trent Schroyer
  • John Scura
  • Frances Shapiro-Skrobe
  • Donna Singer
  • Mark Singer
  • Ira Spar
  • Mary Starke
  • Kathleen Sunshine
  • Adele Thomas
  • Giovanni Viglino
  • Sydney Weinberg
  • Frederick Weiss
  • David Welch
  • Diana Williams
  • Elaine Winshell
  • Norma Yueh

The Board of Trustees approved the honoring of the College’s founders as an all-college program celebrating the founding of Ramapo College and recognizing those faculty, staff, administrators and trustees as “founders” and “pioneers.”

This program may include current campus constituents as well as outreach to the College’s founders, pioneers, alumni, and retirees. The year is calculated based on 1969, the year Ramapo was established.